Thales offers its ScaleFlyt Remote ID cloud-based remote ID solution to civil and military drone authorities

Thales reports new ways to monitor and ensure the safety of drones and their surroundings. The company’s solution claims to enable civil and military aviation authorities to detect – even without data transmissions – and verify a drone’s registration number, identify its pilot, and confirm its flight authorization, in a few seconds.

Thales’ ScaleFlyt Remote ID comprises an add-on onboard device, a web server and a mobile application. It provides identification and location information of drones in flight and other parties such as UTM provider, UAV operators and ground observers can receive it through dedicated communication channel.

ScaleFlyt is designed to help all drone operators and drone platforms to operate within non-segregated airspace by monitoring drone fleet operations in real time. It provides secure and independent position information using cloud-based software to deliver real-time remote identification and tracking of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) via secure networked data communication (LTE) to cellular networks through IoT connectivity module and broadcast transmission (Wifi/Bluetooth).

ScaleFlyt Remote ID offers direct broadcast and network channels compliant with ASTM and ASD – STAN and provides secure communication channels based on cryptography in tamper-proof embedded eSIM.

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