Texas creates SH130 corridor to establish the “intelligent infrastructure” needed to support autonomous services

The Autonomy Institute is collaborating with Texas cities and agencies on the 90-mile Texas SH130 corridor to create an intelligent, autonomous and electrified corridor. This intelligent corridor will support automated freight and delivery; intelligent and autonomous vehicles; and advanced services to communities along the corridor. It is also designed to accelerate Texas economy and support stronger more resilient communities.

The Autonomy Institute is accelerating the “Path to Commerce” by embracing national standards for commercial operations. The Systems of Systems complexity of autonomy will require the integration of many devices and services. Standards are critical for the US adoption of the intelligent infrastructure.

Each Intelligent Corridor will activate PINN clusters to support edge computing, NextG, Broadband, and charging stations within regions that have been previously isolated or disconnected. The deployment will support near-term and long-term services to our communities. The SH130 Coalition is developing an integrated deployment plan for the entire 92-mile stretch the highway. The PINNs will support include broadband, advanced wireless, connected systems sensors, assured position-navigation-timing, charging infrastructure, edge computing, etc.

Leading deployment partners include computing, network, wireless, fibre, engineering, electric, cloud, intelligent transportation, micro weather, data exchanges, and other sectors.

The Autonomy Institute is accelerating the “Path to Commerce” for connected and autonomous systems. We are moving quickly on establishing a number of autonomous infrastructure GRIDS and autonomous mobility corridors. Intelligent infrastructure enables secure, low-latency machine to machine (M2M) networks; edge computing, high precision positioning for M2M interactions; and geospatial 4D grid.

Progress is dependent on petabytes of data being captured by tens of thousands of mission profiles. The intelligent infrastructure will support accelerated capture of the critical data required to ensure safe, resilient, and scaled autonomous systems.

The intelligent infrastructure is expected to support:

  • Vision zero
  • broadband all
  • optimised mobility
  • health and safety
  • intelligent city
  • resilient grid
  • automated systems.

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