Second annual member meeting spotlights HAPS Alliance’s path forward

The High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) Alliance held its second annual HAPS Alliance member meeting on 13-14th April 2022. Attendees reviewed achievements and discussed plans to advance research and development initiatives through ecosystem collaboration and innovation.

Open to all HAPS Alliance member companies and organizations, more than 125 people representing 14 different countries and 24 HAPS Alliance member companies attended the two-day member meeting.

At the opening plenary session, HAPS Alliance President Ken Riordan welcomed members and discussed the Alliance’s mindset to collaborate with the diverse set of organizations, as well as academia, within the ecosystem to further innovation.

“From a technology perspective, HAPS needs to be part of a heterogeneous solution comprised of land, sky and space assets,” Riordan said. “For that vision to be realized, the HAPS Alliance has adopted an ecosystem mindset where partnerships and collaboration are key to moving our HAPS vision forward.”

Additionally, the HAPS Alliance online member meeting had two hours a day of programming, which in addition to the opening plenary session included an Executive Board panel discussion, working group updates, and networking opportunities.

The HAPS Alliance encourages collaboration among players in this array of industries.

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