FAA selects ResilienX, AIS, OneSky partnership to analyse and enhance UTM security

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has selected a partnership between ResilienX, Assured Information Security (AIS), and OneSky to analyse and enhance the security and performance monitoring of uncrewed aircraft system traffic management (UTM) ecosystems. This research will focus on quantifying the effectiveness of various failure mode detection and mitigation strategies within a complex UAS operations environment. The output of the twelve-month effort will be to demonstrate safety and efficiency key performance indicators associated with mitigating issues that have been observed in UAS ecosystems. Testing will occur at the New York UAS Test Site.

ResilienX will provide in-time aviation safety management and OneSky will provide UTM domain experience to support design, test, and evaluation planning, execution, and reporting. The project will build on existing partnership to expand the integration of OneSky’s UTM and ResilienX FRAIHMWORK, says the press release.

AIS supports critical cyber operations for the federal government, working with both the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community.

The research will be conducted in collaboration with NUAIR. Over the past decade, NUAIR has built New York’s 50-mile beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) corridor and has conducted over 6,000 UAS flights to advance the industry.

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