EASA research agenda 2022-24 anticipates key changes in aviation and new business models

The European Aviation Safety Ageny (EASA) has issued its Research Agenda 2022-2024, which includes actions on safety and environmental protection, and additionally in the fields of field security, public health and economic intelligence.

The EASA Research Agenda aims to:
•    support the development of new safety and security management concepts/methods/tools;
•    investigate safety, security and environmental threats;
•    support both proactive and reactive safety management;
•    gain knowledge and data on novel products, technologies or types of operation in view of enabling a regulatory framework supporting innovation while increasing safety levels.

The Agenda covers:
•    Targeted research actions for execution in the short-term in order to respond to identified gaps or open issues in aviation standards, regulations or policies.
•    Long-term research topics to prepare key changes in aviation, e.g. emerging risks or trends, new business models, disruptive technologiesThis Research Agenda complements the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS), which also details the top-level priority research needs identified by the Agency.

The general objectives of the research requests presented include:
– preparing for the evolution of aviation standards,
– supporting the development of new safety and security management concepts/methods/tools,
– investigating safety, security, and environmental threats, as well as health risks linked to air transport,
– supporting pro-active and reactive risk management in these domains, and
– obtaining knowledge and data on novel products, technologies, or new types of operation in order to prepare their entry to service.

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