Eurocae calls for participation in WG-127 to develop software methodology for lower risk airspace users

European standards agency Eurocae has issued a call for participation in working group WG-127, Lower-risk Aviation Applications.

Eurocae council approved the creation of WG-127 in April to develop a simplified software development methodology for lower-risk airspace applications.

WG-127 will bring together Vertical Take off and Landing (VTOL), Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), and General Aviation (GA) developers, along with software development process experts, to create a new standard for aviation software. The working group will work closely and collaboratively with the authorities to address any requirements, continuously evaluate the performance assessment of the new standard, and promptly make updates or enhancements to follow up on emerging issues or changing regulatory concerns. The ambition is to achieve recognition as Means of Compliance, and to demonstrate a proactive approach to adapt certification requirements.

WG-127 new standard aims to establish a comprehensive and robust framework for the minimum required development process and verification boundaries within the context of regulatory certification. This standard will provide guidelines and criteria for industries to consolidate the safety, reliability, and compliance of aviation products.

The development process component of the framework will outline the sequential steps and define the necessary stages to ensure a systematic and thorough approach to the development lifecycle for lower-risk aviation applications.

The verification boundaries aspect will focus on defining the specific parameters and criteria that should be met to demonstrate compliance with relevant regulations and safety standards.

The kick-off meeting for WG-127 is scheduled for 6 July 2023 at Eurocae offices.

Calls for participation close on 20 June 2023.

Additional information, please contact: Technical programme manager

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