EUROCAE calls for participants to create safe UAS operational standards in the “specific” category

European-based standards body EUROCAE has opened a call for participation in EUROCAE WG-117, to develop a comprehensive compliant development standard identified to provide assurance as to the safe operations of the UAS in the “specific” category of platforms, as identified by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). A deadline of 21 March 2021 for interested participants to join.

According to EUROCAE: “The regulatory framework for UAS is being developed. EASA recently released additional information on their plan for certifying UAS defining the certified, specific and open categories. While the certified UAS category is aligned with the ED-12C / DO-178C document suite for development, and the open category does not have a software development standard needed for use and deployment, the specific category does not currently have a comprehensive compliant development standard identified to provide assurance as to the safe operations of the UAS.

“The continued release of information on UAS development and UAS operations by EASA provides a need but also an opportunity for a new software development process standard that will be specific to low risk UAS applications and the specific category defined by EASA.

“Moreover, it is considered that certain applications eg. by the general aviation (GA) community might benefit from a simplified software development methodology. In addition, the FAS Ad Hoc UAS report recommended the creation of supplemental guidance in the areas of COTS, Open Source and Service History, which could be used as well by other stakeholders performing low-risk operations.

“This WG is proposed to work jointly with RTCA SC-xxx (still to be approved by RTCA PMC).”

“The creation of WG-117 Topics on Software Advancement was approved by the EUROCAE Council in February 2020.

The WG will develop:

  • Process Standard for Software Considerations in Low Risk Applications, Equipment Certifications and Approvals, expected June 2021
  • Process Standard for the Integration of COTS, Open Source and Service History into Software, expected September 2021.

If you are interested and wish to contribute, please complete the Registration form by 21 March 2020.

The kick off meeting of WG-117 kick-off will be held on 19-20 May 2020 at the EUROCAE premises in Saint-Denis.

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