US Homeland Security Department seeks C-UAS industry capability information

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Procurement Operations (OPO) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) on behalf of the DHS Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), Office of Mission and Capability Support (MCS) for counter-UAS market information.

According to the tender:

“The DHS/S&T/MCS is conducting market research to identify potential sources of support in the areas of detecting, tracking, identify, reporting, and countering small, unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) and performing radio frequency (RF) spectral measurements of C-UAS technologies. This support is intended to assist S&T in maintaining awareness of technologies on or over the horizon; and understanding the available facilities for conducting RF spectrum measurements.

“S&T’s C-UAS program assesses C-UAS technologies both in laboratory and real-world operational environments and assists DHS Components in: developing and refining requirements, completing the Congressionally mandated process to test and evaluate prototype C-UAS capabilities at a covered asset or mission, and in executing limited duration C-UAS technology pilots at DHS Component locations. The program also guides the development of new and innovative technologies to deliver critical C-UAS capabilities to DHS Components.

“S&T is interested in learning about the availability of aircraft deployable systems to counter the threat of sUAS, commonly referred to as drones, which includes the capability to detect, identify, classify, track, and/or mitigate (DTI-M) these threats. The system will primarily be implemented for manned flight safety in the border environment. The ability to detect sUAS, avoid collision, and take mitigating action is paramount. In addition to manned fixed and rotary capabilities, this RFI topic area also seeks capabilities as they may apply to DHS operated unmanned aircraft and tethered platforms. The system should be cable of being carried or integrated aboard DHS-operated rotary wing, fixed-wing, unmanned, and tethered aircraft.

The following table contains additional system parameters sought:

  • The system shall be capable of functioning in an aircraft/airborne environment Detect, Track, Identify, and/or Mitigate at pilot’s or operator’s discretion.
  • The system shall be capable of functioning under varying aircraft attitude conditions Detect, Track, Identify, and/or Mitigate at pilot’s discretion regardless of aircraft attitude.
  • The system shall be capable of functioning in a moving aircraft in the air, and on the ground. Detect, Track, Identify, and/or Mitigate at pilot’s discretion regardless of aircraft speed, including while in a hover.
  • System Size, Power, and Weight Requirements The system shall be configurable to integrate into any DHS-operated rotary wing, fixedwing, unmanned, and tethered aircraft.
  • The system shall be configurable to prevent electromagnetic interference and be compatible in aircraft electromagnetic environment for DHS aircraft The system shall meet applicable Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards for installation in aircraft.
  • The system shall not have known cyber vulnerabilities or transmit data beyond the operator’s network cyber-hardened hardware and software will be preferred.
  • The system shall be able to detect an unmanned aircraft system and report its presence to a Law Enforcement (LE) agent on the ground (Detect) System shall alert the pilot or operator via a means that minimizes focused attention. E.g., audible alarm.
  • The system shall be able to detect an unmanned aircraft system affiliated ground controller and report its presence to a LE agent on the ground (Detect) For the law enforcement mission, the system shall be able to collect and store augmented information on the threat sUAS such as operator position.
  • The system shall be able to record data for unmanned aerial system and report it to a LE agent on the ground The system shall have the capability to log DTI-M data
  • The system shall be able to inform the operator of where the detected unmanned aircraft vehicle is by providing its latitude, longitude, and altitude. Additionally, the system should include as much additional meta-data associated with the detected platform as possible. (Track) System shall provide relative position information such as bearing, range, altitude, and speed. System shall indicate heading of the sUAS so as to alert the pilot to take evasive action and/or the operator to initiate law enforcement coordination.
  • The system shall be able to inform the operator of where the unmanned aerial systems ground controller is located in two or more dimensions (Track) For law enforcement actions, the system shall be able to geographically depict the sUAS operator’s position. An example would be a map overlay with reference points.
  • The system shall be able to report/ collect specific details (make/model) about the UAS system and/or its payload (Identify) For law enforcement and intelligence collecting operations, the system shall have the ability to inform the intelligence cycle with information such as time, point of origin, and flight duration.
  • The system shall be able to render the UAS inoperable by the aircrew or operator. (Mitigate) Pilot or operator will maintain full control and have the option to selectively mitigate or activate a persistent mitigation action (i.e. fence around the aircraft).
  • The system shall display and be capable of sharing information across varying mission displays. The pilot or operator shall be able to have full situational awareness of the air domain within the range of the systems. The system shall be able to integrate across several platforms. E.g., an aircraft cockpit display, a display in a manned UAS ground control station or operations center, etc.

Issuing organisation: US Department of Homeland Security

Tender number: 70RSAT22RFI000012

Deadline: July 20, 2022

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