US Army Contracting Command seeks market information on C-UAS infantry protection

The US Army Contracting Command-Detroit Arsenal, in conjunction with Product Manager (PdM), Appliqué and Large Unmanned Ground Systems (ALUGS) are issuing a Market Questionnaire for the Counter-Unmanned Air System (C-UAS) Modular Mission Payload (MMP) (C-UAS MMP) for use by the U.S. Army. According to the request for information:

“The objective of the Market Questionnaire is to better understand the availability and capabilities of commercial products and the potential of the associated equipment manufacturers.  The information gathered by the Army through this Market Questionnaire, along with other market investigation data, is solely intended for use by the U.S. Army and will not be shared with any commercial entity.  Participation in this Market Questionnaire provides an important opportunity to influence the Army’s approach to procuring the C-UAS MMP.

“This questionnaire is a Request for Information (RFI) ONLY and is not a solicitation for proposals; therefore, no questions will be taken at this time.  A prototype project will not be awarded in response to this announcement.

“The Government is seeking a Counter Unmanned Air System (C-UAS) modular mission payload prototype to mitigate the threat of Class I and II UAS and enhance force protection for dismounted infantry.  Class 1 and 2 UAS threats are defined as tactical low end, lethal, small, miniature, and micro systems.  Prototype systems will primarily focus on detection and tracking of UAS, but may also support other phases of the kill chain.  C-UAS system will consist of low size, weight, and power (SWaP) technologies.  The capabilities sought through this acquisition shall allow the dismounted infantry to avoid detection over a 60 mile movement, 72 hour duration mission through militarily significant environments including all terrain conditions (desert, wooded, wetlands, etc.) and urban environments.  The Government will integrate and conduct safety/user evaluation of the C-UAS capability on the Small Multipurpose Equipment Transport (S-MET) platform.  These evaluations will inform the production of the C-UAS MMP requirements document, and also inform performance specifications for this MMP for the S-MET Program of Record.”

To respond to the RFI, membership in the National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC) is required.

For more information

(Image: Shutterstock)

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