“US counter terror agency expands counter drone capability with ELTA” – Jane’s

According to a report published by Jane’s, ELTA North America is working with the US Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) to deliver a pair of Mobile Counter-Small Unmanned Aerial System (C-sUAS) solutions to US armed forces later in the year.

The C-sUAS prototypes will be mounted on board special operations forces’ 4×4 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs) in addition to the Ford F350 sport utility vehicles (SUVs) operated by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Border Patrols. Jane’s reports the prototypes will be delivered to the armed forces and DHS for “troop training and testing” over the course of third-quarter 2020 in the US. A CTTSO official told Jane’s “In collaboration with ELTA North America, these payloads will each include a dual air-ground X-band 360° staring radar, long-range EO/IR [electro-optical/infrared] optic, directional saturation jammer with a D-FEND Enforce Air non-jamming UAS take-over, safe route, safe land capture component, and the Smart Shooter kinetic C-sUAS system.”

The report says ELTA designed the new ELM-2135 digital X-Band active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar to support the CTTSO programme.

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