Unidentified drones flew “over US government nuclear laboratories”

Reports of unidentified aerial systems (UAS) flying over US territory by several media sources include four reports of unidentified airborne vehicle intrusions at sensitive US government nuclear laboratories between March 2018 and April 2021, says a report in the Washington Examiner. In each case, security officers failed to identify the operator of these apparent vehicles or their intent, according to the report, adding, “they raise the possibility of hostile foreign espionage targeting sensitive US government research”. It says “Chinese aerial reconnaissance drone and Russian undersea reconnaissance drone activities are more widespread and capable than commonly understood”.

“While all four reports were sourced from the Protective Force Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore appears to have recovered one report from the New Mexico-based Sandia National Laboratories. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory recently successful completed a fusion ignition experiment.

“That Sandia report lists an officer’s statement from March 19, 2018. The officer saw “what I believed looked like a drone flying West to East over Sandia National Laboratory. I confirmed with [another officer] that it could be a drone and he replied it could be. It was low flying and had no sound with alternating white and red LED lighting.” The officer adds that another facility official called him “and said they had spotted a low flying jet that made no sound flying over Sandia around the same time. The drone continued to fly East until it was out of sight.”

“On April 1, 2021, a Lawrence Livermore security supervisor reported an employee’s early morning sighting of “a possible drone hovering 50-75 feet off the ground in the buffer zone. Due to the darkness I only saw the red and white lights.” The supervisor consulted with a construction crew and drone operator in the area. Neither had been flying a drone at the time.

“The two most interesting reports come from Lawrence Livermore’s Site 300 area, central to the US government’s Cold War-era development of nuclear weapons. Lawrence Livermore notes that “Site 300 supports the Laboratory’s nuclear weapons program by assessing the operation of non-nuclear weapon components” to help “ensure the safety, security and reliability of the US nuclear weapons stockpile,” says the Washington Examiner.

(Image: Shutterstock)

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