Ukraine’s UNITED24 crowd-funding defence initiative has helped buy six anti-Shahed C-UAS systems

Ukraine’s crowd-funding initiative UNITED24 set up by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in early May 2022 has collected over USD328 million, with just over USD 3 million of the fund dedicated to setting up “Shahid Hunter” counter-UAS systems throughout the country.

According to the website, in January this year, six “Shahed Hunter” systems, understood to be a network of sensors and mitigation systems, were installed at critical energy plants. ”The United States often uses these systems to protect strategic facilities,” said the website.

“Funds raised via UNITED24 have allowed designated ministries to purchase 176 ambulances, hundreds of units of medical equipment and ammunition for Ukrainian defenders; the first mine-clearing vehicle was brought to Ukraine; over 3,839 UAVs/UAV complexes were contracted; 11 bridges in the de-occupied Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts were rebuilt; the world was introduced to the first Fleet of Naval Drones, says the website.

“We conceived the UNITED24 platform as something that would unite the entire world around helping Ukraine. After a year of work, it is safe to say this endeavor proved to be successful. Millions of people, from over a hundred countries, support our country via UNITED24. On this day, we once again express our gratitude to all platform donors, whose contributions save, restore, and protect people’s lives, while bringing Ukraine’s victory closer, said the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

All expenditure reports are audited by Deloitte.

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