Thales announces integrated counter drone solution

Thales has announced a new integrated drone countermeasures solution to protect and secure sensitive sites such as airports, sports arenas, critical infrastructure and large-scale events in urban areas. EagleSHIELD is a multi-sensor solution that detects, identifies, classifies and neutralises rogue drones flying at low altitude at ranges of up to 7 km. The 360deg airspace surveillance coverage is provided by the Gamekeeper holographic radar developed by Aveillant. Complementing the radar, infrared and radiofrequency sensors refine the system’s threat identification and classification performance, using real-time data fusion techniques to determine the exact type of unmanned aircraft involved. EagleSHIELD displays real-time information in a cohesive view of the airspace.

Fully integrated with these surveillance capabilities, Thales provides a variety of drone countermeasures to provide a proportional response to the threat depending on the operational context. If the existence of a threat is confirmed, Thales can incorporate a range of technical solutions, including electromagnetic signal jamming, interception by a swarm of drones and directed energy weapons, to neutralise the rogue drone.

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