Kelvin Hughes

Type of C-UAS

Kelvin Hughes SharpEye™ SxV radar is highly sensitive and has been optimised for the detection of drones, quadcopters, UASs and UAVs. The company provides complete radar based solutions for border and perimeter security and SharpEye™ with its ability to detect small low aerial targets even in clutter conditions makes it the ideal sensor to detect and provide early warning of the operation of drones. Systems can be a single SharpEye™ SxV mobile radar or part of a multi radar and electro optic camera system deployed via the company’s Single Mast Solution (SMS) for mobile and semi-permanent requirements. With a SharpEye™ radar as the primary detection sensor, security agencies are able to monitor and intercept threats from drones in remote and difficult to access locations and also easily move locations. Complete single or multi node situational awareness can be developed through a Detect, Recognise, Identify and Classify methodology and the evolving picture controlled using the Kelvin Hughes control and interface software CxEye™. At DSEI 2017 Kelvin Hughes demonstrated the next evolution of its drone detection and tracking technology. The SMS-D (‘D’ meaning drone) is a dedicated drone detection and tracking system now featuring a thermal camera and video tracker that acquires the drone target using the initial radar detection information. The benefit of this is once the thermal camera and video tracker has acquired the target it will enable a visual identification and track. Further benefit comes from the combination of the camera mounted on a pan and tilt system that provides a means to precisely calculate the altitude of the UAV. The SMS-D therefore is able to operate as a 2D sensor system providing 3D target information whereby the radar provides the range and bearing. This data can be outputted to a third party counter measure system.

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