IEC Infrared

Type of C-UAS
Integrated systems


The Lycan C-UAS system detects, tracks, assesses and mitigates Class I and II UAS that adversaries are currently using to surveil, target and attack military or commercial installations. It employs a multi-layered approach to detect small (Class I and II) UAS, assess with long-range optics, and optically track and mitigate through active frequency jamming. The system can also detect and track many commercially-available small UAS using an integrated RF detection system, and covers an area up to 10 km in diameter. It is effective against multiple, simultaneous fixed and rotary-wing UAS threat targets.

Target Detection: Detection of UAS targets is done with both long and short-range 3D multi-mission radars with a 2 Hz update rate. Long range detection is handled by an S-band radar, while short targets are tracked with an X-band radar. The system can detect small drones (such as the DJI IV Phantom and similar small UAS) out to 5 km range in good conditions. Overlapping the radar is Lycan’s RF detection device, which detects RF control signals from the target. This allows operators to see both radar and RF detections at the same location, further validating a real threat.

Target Assessment: The optics package utilizes a medium wavelength infrared (MWIR) cooled thermal camera with a 40-825 mm continuous zoom lens and a 15-500 mm visual camera. The camera has optical tracking for hands-free-target tracking. The radar generates a UAS position allowing the camera to slew to cue to the UAS.

Mitigation: Lycan can mitigate threats using a directional tri-band RF jammer, which disrupts WiFi and GPS frequencies and can be customized to target specific frequency ranges according to user requirements. The jammer is bore sighted to the optics and is mounted on the system’s pan & tilt positioner.

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