Hidden Level

Airspace Monitoring Service (AMS)
Type of C-UAS

Hidden Level’s Airspace Monitoring Service (AMS) is a scalable and cost-effective solution to provide persistent low altitude airspace detection and tracking capabilities for UAS across large volumes of airspace. AMS is offered as a cloud-based data subscription service aggregating pre-processed data from its distributed HL1000 sensor network, as well as external airspace data sources such as UTM Systems, ADS-B, and Remote ID, producing 3D real time positions of UAS. Hidden Level owns, operates, and maintains its sensor network for most of its customers, greatly reducing the cost of ownership and barrier to entry. Sensors are strategically installed on existing infrastructure such as buildings, rooftops, and cell towers throughout a metropolitan area.

AMS provides actionable data to its customers by integrating into their existing Video Management Systems, Security Operations Centers, and UAS Service Supplier platforms. The data provided by AMS is subscribed to based on the volume of airspace, custom automated insight reports, and integrations required by the customer’s operations.

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