Dynamite Global Strategies (DGS)

AIRDEFENSE, DroneMaster DSR-3X, RF108, Drone Blaster, UrbanDynamiteV6000T
Type of C-UAS
Integrated systems

Detector, ECM, gun.

A new version of Dynamite Global Strategies (DGS) AIRDEFENSE C-UAS was released in September 2019 and features increased detection range and speed, and an expanded data base according to the company. AIRDEFENSE 6.0 is a modular system which provides a drone shield made up of a number of devices. This enables AIRDEFENSE to attack individual UAS, irrespective of the frequency band used by them during a counter-drone countermeasure. The system is calibrated and tested in the deployment environment, and is available for protection of fixed sites or mobile convoys.

DroneMaster CUAS technology protects critical infrastructure, borders, correctional facilities, stadiums, ports, parades, concerts, government buildings, public spaces, sensitive sites and other permanent or temporary sites from any threats posed by drones. The DSR-3X (Drone Surveillance Radar) is the third generation of DGS high-resolution X-Band Drone Detection Radar, used for detection of low altitude moving targets over land or sea. This high-performance 3D radar sensor is specifically developed to address the requirements of the Homeland Security & Defense markets and Air Traffic Regulation institutions in two key applications: counter small unmanned aerial vehicle (C-UAS) and unmanned aircraft traffic management (UTM).

DroneMaster™ RF Drone Detection Sensor – RF108 is based on directional real-time measurement of the RF emissions of the drone and its remote control. It warns the operator when drones are in the vicinity. The detection range of RF108 system has no limitation, but it is usually comparable to (or better than) the maximum distance between the drone and its remote operator, depending on the transmitter power of the drone and/or its remote operator. The RF108 detects the RF emissions as soon as the emitting device is turned on, allowing to detect the drone even before it has taken off.

The DroneBlaster™ Anti-Drone Gun is activated, it transmits multi-bands RF and GNSS jamming signals to disrupt commercial drones’ control functions and causes no damage to drone hardware or surrounding environment.

The UrbanDynamite® C-UAS leverages advanced C4ISR capability and lineage of multi-function electronic warfare (EW) architectural design to provide an efficient and effective CUAS solution for defeating current and emerging UAS controller technology. This, combined with its inherent life-saving effectiveness at countering radio controlled improvised explosive device (RCIEDs), provides operators and warfighters with a single-box solution that reduces the size, weight and power burden to a dismounted team, or tactical or non-tactical vehicle platform.

The V6000T system adopts advanced multi-function electronic warfare (EW) capability providing the warfighters and VIP convoys with a single-box solution to counter the threats posed by drones and remote-controlled improvised explosive devices (RCIEDs).

Drone swarms are a concern in the military domain. With its 360° gapless full dome jamming coverage, the V6000T system can defeat countless drones from up to 2km away simultaneously. A series of RF jamming waveforms in different combinations are used in the V6000T System for the maximum jamming efficiency against all known RCIED and drone threats when operating in a conventional or complex asymmetric threat environment.

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