D-Fend Solutions

Counter-Drone, cyber, radio frequency (RF-based) takeover technology system
Type of C-UAS
Integrated systems

Detector, mitigator.

D-Fend Solutions is the leading counter-drone, cyber-takeover technology provider, enabling full control, safety, and continuity during rogue drone incidents across complex and sensitive environments, to overcome both current and emerging drone threats. With hundreds of deployments worldwide, EnforceAir, the company’s flagship offering, focuses on the most dangerous drone threats in military, public safety, airport, prison, major event, and critical infrastructure environments. D-Fend Solutions’ technology has been chosen as best-in-class and is in deployment at high-tier U.S. government agencies – including U.S. military, federal law enforcement, and homeland security bodies – as well as major international airports, critical assets, and at large, complex events with tens of thousands of attendees. EnforceAir autonomously executes RF, cyber-takeovers of rogue drones for a safe landing and outcome, ensuring the smooth flow of communications, commerce, transportation, and everyday life.

EnforceAir features the world’s premier counter-drone, cyber, radio frequency (RF)-based takeover technology. In either autonomous or manual mode, EnforceAir detects, locates, and identifies rogue drones in your airspace and then neutralizes the threat by allowing you to take full control over the drone and land it safely in a predefined zone.

Traditional C-UAS technologies may struggle in sensitive environments, requiring a next-gen approach. Our RF cyber solution provides fast and accurate detection, with no false positives and no line-of-sight requirement. Since EnforceAir doesn’t rely upon jammers or kinetic technology, our system avoids interference, disruption, disturbance, and collateral damage. With RF cyber-takeover, continuity prevails with no communication disruption, collateral damage, or stoppages.

EnforceAir focuses on the most dangerous drones by employing risk analysis, assessment, and prioritization methodologies.

Drone threats vary by mission, use case, and environment, so D-Fend Solutions offers multiple counter-drone deployment options, providing optimized coverage for a wide variety of scenarios, conditions, and terrain types, with rapid and easy set-up. EnforceAir can be affixed to vehicles or ships, covertly if necessary, or set up as stationary deployments on low or high ground. The hardware is lightweight and compact, and can be rapidly taken apart, moved, and reassembled in minutes.

Deployment Options:
• VEHICULAR – Covert & Military
• TACTICAL – Ground-Level and High-Altitude
• STATIONARY – High-Altitude and Long-Range

Expanded Perimeter Protection in the Defense Against Drones:
D-Fend Solutions’ Multi-Sensor Command & Control system (MSC2), a central management solution, controls multiple EnforceAir sensors remotely from a single server, empowering organizations to intuitively safeguard vast expanses of land from rogue drones and quickly scale up for virtually any operational requirement. MSC2 complements and enhances the EnforceAir systems it manages. Since MSC2 requires the same amount of operating personnel as a single EnforceAir solution, it’s the most efficient solution for safeguarding against rogue drones in massive areas.

Core Concepts
Four core concepts are at the heart of D-Fend Solutions’ mission, product development, and future direction: control, safety, focus, and future-readiness. These ideas animate our mission and offer a superior counter-drone system for security agencies. Upon closely delivering these concepts, an overarching value arises that significantly differentiates our solution and benefits our users: continuity….
CONTROL - The best way to control the drone threat is to take control of the drone.
SAFETY - A safe landing or fend off of the rogue drone is the best possible outcome for safe airspace and continuity
FOCUS - Counter-drone measures must focus on the real risk, the most dangerous drones, and employ drone risk analysis, assessment, and prioritization.
FUTURE - The constantly changing and increasingly complex drone threat requires foreseeing the drone future and always staying a drone threat ahead.


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