Results of European UAS Operational Survey published

By Peter van Blyenburgh

‘‘UAS OPS’’ & ‘’OPS RISK” jointly constitute a survey on drone operations [current and near-future (one to 2 two years)]and operations safety risk assessment methods, that targeted drone operators in the European Union, conducted in English, French, German and Spanish. The results and conclusions of these surveys are now available for downloading. The two documents can be found here:

The results supply the quantitative answers generated by the survey. The conclusions supply the interpretation of the results.

The scope and objective of these surveys was to:

  • Collect factual information from the European non-military drone operator community
  • Identify the European drone operators by operational category (commercial and/or non-commercial) and by type of operator [corporate (6 categories), governmental, academia, NGO]
  • Identify the market sectors by order of importance (current & near-future) – 25 selections proposed
  • Identify the flight missions by order of importance (current & near future) – 33 selections proposed
  • Using an operation-centric approach, map & compare the current & future very low level (< 500 ft) drone operations market (VLOS, EVLOS, BVLOS; over densely and/or sparsely populated areas)
  • Contribute to the identification of the European drone operator community to regulators, investors, and itself

The survey results and conclusions includes a list of the respondents (name & country of origin). These surveys were conducted by Blyenburgh & Co, France in the context of the AW Drones project, which is funded by the European Commission through its Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme

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