NATS invites stakeholder feedback on OpenAir airspace management service

UK air navigation service provider NATS is inviting industry and other stakeholders to provide feedback on the proposed new NATS OpenAir service offering, and the associated charging structure, as outlined in the consultation document. NATS first announced its new OpenAir network management function in September 2023.

NATS proposes a two-pronged service framework to create an infrastructure that enables uncrewed aircraft to be integrated alongside the operations of commercial and general aviation, while maintaining today’s high safety standards. It would also reduce barriers to entry, enabling innovation and competition across the rest of the industry.

Please submit your written responses to the questions below by 28 March 2024. NATS plans a series of workshops to hear more about your views in detail and to answer any questions that may arise. Please give us as much detail as possible on the questions which are of most relevance to you here

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