FAA seeks new Drone Advisory Group members

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has posted a notice in the Federal Register soliciting qualified candidates to serve on the Drone Advisory Committee (DAC). The committee provides an open venue for the FAA and stakeholders to identify and recommend consensus-based resolutions for issues related to integration of unmanned aircraft (UAS) into the National Airspace System.

The notice explains the responsibilities associated with DAC membership and the desired qualifications for participants. It also details the materials candidates must submit, noting that failure to supply the required information may disqualify an otherwise excellent candidate from the review process. Selected members will serve for at least two years. The FAA must receive nomination packages no later than 6:00 a.m. EST on January 9, 2019.

Typically, DAC members are at the level of Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer or other high-ranking positions. Members come from a cross-section of stakeholders representing UAS interests, including industry, research and academia, retail, and technology. The FAA maintains a roster of the current DAC membership. The DAC is limited to a maximum of 35 individuals.

The DAC, established as a Federal Advisory Committee, advises the FAA on the needs of new and expanding users of the National Airspace System, while identifying the strategic regulatory priorities and structure that simultaneously promote innovation, safety, efficiency and rapid UAS integration

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