Sweden’s LFV publishes tender for national UTM/U-space system

Sweden’s national air navigation service provider LFV has published a Call for Competition for a UTM/U-space solution for Sweden with a deadline of 6 November 2022.

According to the outline tender document:

“The purpose of this procurement is to establish a Framework Agreement that the LFV Group and its affiliates, or other businesses controlled by LFV, can use for four (4) years with a possible extension of two (2) plus two (2) years thereafter with one (1) strong and dynamic partner. The intended scope for LFV is to establish a reliable, robust and efficient UAS/UTM solution for LFV and its associated government authorities, customers and other stakeholders in a cost efficient manner. The UAS/UTM solution consist of three sub services; U-space services, Common information services and other services and interfaces related to those which are further described in the Scope chapter below and will be further developed in the coming steps in this procurement procedure. The quantity of services will be described further in the next phase of this procurement.

“The volumes of services that are requested in this procurement will be further described in the upcoming step of this procurement:

  • Common Information Services – Common Information Services will be provided by LFV as a single common information service provider on exclusive basis in Sweden.
  • U-Space Services – The number of potential users of LFVs U-Space services is estimated accordingly: Sweden’s civil aviation authority (CAA), Transportstyrelsen, has a register of approximately 30 000 registered drone operators (early 2022). According to surveys performed by CAA (2017-2019) the approximate number of persons with access to a drone is around 400 000 to 600 000.
  • Other related services  – The potential number of users for the “other related services” is difficult to estimate at this stage of this procurement. Since the evolvement of the European and national legislation will affect the potential number of users of these services. However some estimation can be made by the following numbers:  approx. 50 ATS/AFIS units; approx. 10 external authorities (e.g. CAA, Military, Police authorities, Environmental authority, etc.); 290 cities/municipalities; 21 county administrative boards; 20 region administrative boards; Approx. 200 local, regional and state Rescue services

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