The Unmanned Airspace Guide to UTM events at World ATM Congress 2020

There are 28 UAS traffic management related panels and presentations at the World UTM Congress in Madrid, taking place between March 10 and March 12 this year.

These are some of the most notable events:

* NASA’s Vision for Future Airspace Operations, with Parimal Kopardekar, NASA, Steve Bradford, FAA, Olga de Frutos Martin, ICAO, Tom Prevot, Uber, Akbar Sultan, NASA -14.20-15.20 on March 11 at the Tower Theatre

* European Commission and European Aviation Safety Agency’s: How will Europe create a safe and competitive U-space?  – 16.00-16.30 on March 10 at the Aviation for European Theatre

* The FAA’s Future Vision Challenges and Principles to Consider/Leadership of Thought, with Jay Merkle, UAS Integration Office, FAA, Joachim Luecking, DG MOVE, European Commission Reinaldo Negron, Wing Theatre-15.15-15.50 on March 11 at the Wing Theatre

* and The GUTMA Panels, with Sebastian Babiarz of AirMap and Reinaldo Negron of Wing, Jessie Mooberry of Airbus and Trent Fulcher of Airways New Zealand – 10.15-12.15 on March 12 at the FAB Ops Theatre.

Here is a listing of the main UTM related presentations and panels:

Aireon Spotlight Theatre
March 10
11.10-11.50 ENAC-Group ADP-Sopra Steria Research Chair on Drone Systems

Title: Making New, Safe Drone Operations Possible, Speaker:
Yannick Jestin

Abstract: The widespread use of drones is getting closer to turning from promises into reality. Thanks to new regulations, safety methodologies, and the advent of U-space services, new drone operations will provide value for society. However, there are still many challenges facing the implementation of services such as cooperative detect and avoid, dynamic geofencing, emergency procedures… How can these new services be added by U-space Service Providers, and take into account automatic data processing, in order to accommodate new drone models appearing at a very fast rate with a wide range of capabilities? This talk illustrates a single pilot operation of a fleet of drones in a complex airport environment, to show how the ENAC – Groupe ADP – Sopra Steria Research Chair on Drone Systems can help answer these questions

17.40-18.00 CS Group

Title: Protecting Airports Against UAV: The System Solution Speaker: Jehan-Christophe Charles

Abstract: Drones are a real danger for aircraft, and they can, at least, disrupt airport activity. CS Group’s approach for countering drones is based on system piloted by a smart command and control (C2) software. This technology allows a specific solution for each particular airport. With right chosen sensors and effectors, smartly displayed within the platform, it is possible to protect efficiently the airport as a whole, including approach leg. CS Group’s solution is in service in French police and French MoD. For five years, CS Group has been investing in R&D for developing a very sophisticated C2, including Artificial Intelligence, behavioural analysis and automation, connectivity with UTM and ATC. Expertise is also in detection and mitigation equipment, tested by our team.

March 11
10.10-10.30 ENAIRE

Title: ENAIRE U-Space Vision and DOMUS Project Experience


Daniel García-Monteavaro


Abstract: U-space is defined as a set of services designed to support safe, efficient and secure access to airspace for large numbers of drones. ENAIRE has led the DOMUS project under the umbrella of SESAR JU’s U-space Program to test U1, U2 and U3 services. What are the main conclusions for U-Space deployment according to DOMUS? What should be the role of the ANSPs in U-Space?  ENAIRE will present its strategy for U-space deployment in Spain, developed in close coordination with the Spanish authorities.

12.00-12.20 AirMap

Title: Digital Airspace Authorizations, Powered by AirMap UTM

Andreas Lamprecht

Abstract: As the adoption of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), or drones, increases rapidly, requests for drone operations in controlled or other sensitive airspaces are overwhelming authorities at airports, air traffic control towers, and other sensitive airspaces around the world. In response to this growth, authorities are acting quickly to provide drone operators with safe, efficient, and fair access to low-altitude airspace without increasing ATC workload or threatening the safety of the airspace system. AirMap offers ANSPs a flexible and intelligent authorization workflow solution that streamlines, digitizes, and automates airspace authorization requests for drones and other special flights. Join AirMap Chief Technology Officer Andreas Lamprecht for a technical demonstration AirMap’s end-to-end customizable digital workflow engine with adequate levels of automation to address high-volume and diverse operation types.

12.30-12.50 Indra

Title: Safe Management of Integrated Airspaces

Patricia Hervías

Abstract: After a year full of drone demonstrations across Europe and the whole world, the drones are ready to take off. UTM systems are key for the safe management of drones in the airspace but a proper integration with ATM systems and other airspace actors is essential. During the conference, Indra will present the results of a survey carried out during 2019, where controllers from the whole world gave their vision about its necessities regarding drone integration in current ATM systems. The main issue regarding ATM-UTM integration is discriminate which drone information is really relevant to controllers and how to present it. Indra will show its progress in this field.

March 12
11.40-12.00 Unifly NV

Title: A Practical Approach to Remote Identification and Tracking

Speaker: Marc Coen


Abstract: The current EU legislation requires broadcasted electronic identification (security), not tracking (safety). There are initiatives to extend the EU regulations with “networked remote identification” i.e. tracking. Unifly’s approach to eID and tracking, the BLIP product range, has been successfully demonstrated in several EU demonstration projects. BLIP is in line with the European legislation and complies with the work of EUROCAE as well as the ASTM F3411 Remote ID standard, currently the only published standard covering tracking and remote identification issued by the ASTM F38 committee on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Standard compliance is essential: based on the consensus of different stakeholders, standards help maximize compatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, and quality while decreasing end-user cost. Standard-compliant products are more future-proof, and are more widely accepted and used than non-standard products


Frequentis Aviation Arena
March 10
12.35-13.05 Frequentis

Title: Manufacturing the Future: GOF U-Space as an Example of Effective Industry and ANSP Collaboration

Thomas Lutz & Speakers from the GOF U-Space Consortium (TBA)


Abstract: The airspace is a finite resource with a growing number of stakeholders – such as for manned and unmanned commercial, general aviation and air sports, military and search & rescue operations. Information exchange and shared situational awareness are key to integrate UAV safely alongside manned aviation. During the SESAR Gulf of Finland (GOF) U-space validation trials a consortium of 17 industry partners and 2 Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) underlined the technical and operational capabilities to minimize impact on capacity and simultaneously maintain the same safety standards as in the classical aviation domain today. The concept enabled shared situational awareness for all aviation stakeholders. The SESAR Gulf of Finland (GOF) U-space consortium succeeded based on deep Air Traffic Management (ATM) experience, extensive UTM knowledge provided by the three world-leading UTM (Unmanned Traffic Management) technology vendors and operational expertise from commercial UAV operators, manufacturers and two major Air Navigation Services Providers. In collaboration, the consortium deployed interoperability and data-sharing solutions which are aligned with international concepts.
The results and key findings significantly contribute to a safe and efficient UTM deployment enabling efficient commercial UAS utilization and enhancing safety. The detailed project evaluation will highlight how to overcome the barriers in UTM (cross-border) deployments in close collaboration with UAS Operators, ATM/UTM vendors and ANSPs

16.15-16.35 ENAV and IDS AirNAV


Abstract: In the framework of U-space, DREAMS (Drone European AIM Study) project explored the needs and the feasibility of new processes, services and solutions for Drone aeronautical information management. The ambition of the project was to fill the gap between the manned and unmanned aviation in terms aeronautical information to be handled and exchanged by U-space stakeholders. The speech will highlight the methodology applied to outline services’ requirements with the collaboration of UAS operators, to analyse the state-of-the-art of data and services catalogue and to identify some gaps reported in the U-Space AIM (U-AIM) Concept of Operations. Some solutions, in terms of set of data models to deliver consistent, accurate and up-to-date data for U-Space stakeholders will be introduced. An Innovative Aeronautical Information management application for U-Space and ATM, by IDS AirNav, has been implemented to validate such U-AIM data models and allowed to appreciate the benefits of SWIM-based solutions.

March 11
10.50-11.10 AirShare (part of Airways New Zealand)

Title: Implementing Remote ID and Drone Traffic Management – A Case Study from Airways New Zealand

Speaker: Trent Fulcher


Abstract: Remote ID is a foundational element for safe and effective integration of drones into the existing aviation system, as well as an enabler for future, more aspirational commercial and humanitarian drone uses.  In 2019, New Zealand’s ANSP Airways introduced Remote ID as part of their national UTM environment.  This session will share their approach and learnings, and define the components needed to deliver a successful operational environment.

13.10-13.40 ISDEFE

Title: Collision Risk Models for RPAS in Non-Segregated Airspace

Javier Pérez Castán, Politecnic University of Madrid (UPM)

Abstract: Systematic integration of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) in non-segregated airspace is one of the major challenges that Air Traffic Management (ATM) must tackle. One of the main aspects ATM must assess is to estimate the minimum protection distance (MPD) which is required to avoid a potential conflict. The MPD is calculated based on conflict-resolution algorithms that calculate the last location that an RPAS must start climbing to avoid a separation minima infringement. The approach selects two parameters to model the conflict-geometry: the path-intersection angle and the rate of climb (ROCD). The proposed model analyzes different scenarios, and proposes the RPAS evasion maneuver, using variations in the ROCD.


16.14-16.35 D-Flight

Title: D-Flight: The Future of BVLOS in Italy

Cristiano Baldoni


Abstract: D-Flight, one year later. Current results and future perspectives of the Italian initiative on U-Space.
D-flight. The company founded by ENAV in partnership with Leonardo and Telespazio at the beginning of 2019 for developing and deploying U-Space in Italy – presents the results of the first year of operations: what has been achieved so far and the lessons learnt, what are the ambitious plans for the future, along with the longer-term perspectives and the challenges that a U-Space Service Provider has to face, considering the uncertainties related to the regulatory framework, especially in the EU, on a yet unknown and immature market.


March 10
16.10-16.55 IACIT

Title: Drones and Air Traffic Safety: How Brazil Has Been Acting in Airspace Protection


March 11
12.10-12.50 DSNA

Title: U-Space Together

Maurice Georges


Abstract: DSNA will present the vision and program for making U-space a reality. The winners of the 2019 U-space innovation challenge and their solutions will be presented. DSNA will also announce the next steps of its call for partnerships. The conference will provide information on how ATM addresses – safely and fairly – the integration of new entrants with an iterative, innovative and collaborative approach. It will shed light on how this approach for U-space innovation can address cross-boundary and Urban Air Mobility issues of U-space implementation.


16.00-16.25 Deloitte

Title: Operations Concepts for Mature Urban Air Mobility: Early Insights from NASA’s UAM Community ConOps

Matthew Metcalfe and Chris Metts


Abstract: Urban Air Mobility (UAM) represents an exciting paradigm shift, taking aviation from a predominately long-distance public transportation mode to an integral component of regional and local transportation. This session describes the latest Urban Air Mobility concepts developed through Deloitte’s work with the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and a broad cross-section of the UAM community to develop a Concept of Operations at a mid-level of maturity. The concept envisages a future where 100s to 1000s of semi-autonomous EVTOLs (passenger drones) operate in urban settings, servicing high-demand routes to reduce congestion, supporting emergency response operations, and providing on-demand air mobility. It explores the essential foundational operational concepts needed to enable mature UAM markets, such as autonomous passenger-carrying air vehicles, unmanned air traffic systems, advanced urban micro-weather capabilities, and communication navigation and service data exchange capable of providing situational awareness for high-density flight operations in urban settings.

March 12
10.15-12.15 GUTMA


With opening and closing statements from GUTMA Co-Presidents, Sebastian Babiarz of AirMap and Reinaldo Negron of Wing, two featured panel talks will include “Harmonized Skies – Business Implications” moderated by Jessie Mooberry of Airbus and “Unified Services – Technical Implications” moderated Trent Fulcher of Airways New Zealand



Wing ATM Theatre
March 10
11.55-12.50 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

Title: Systematic Detection of UAS On and Around Airports

Speaker: Angela Kies


Abstract: In September 2019, DFS, the German ANSP, was tasked by the Ministry of Transport to develop a solution for drone detection and identification on and around the 16 German international airports in its competence. This presentation informs about the DFS approach to this challenge, as well as about its holistic concept of operation by integrating Air Traffic Management, UAS traffic management and drone detection system aspects.

13.10-14.00 Wing

Title: Solving the Diversity Challenge

Steve Bradford, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Andreas ‘Andi’ Lamprecht, AirMap
Rob Eagles, Airbus UTM
Leo Bouygyes, Loon LLC
Reinaldo Negron, Wing


Abstract: The variety of manned and unmanned aircraft sharing the sky has created a demand for new players, new systems and new procedures to deliver a more automated, digitized process for airspace integration. The scope of this need is much more broad than is available through traditional ATM today. While the aviation industry continues to debate how to achieve an ATM ecosystem that includes drones, collaboration and interoperability are principals we can generally agree on.  This panel brings together operators across the value chain all of which represent the diversity of the market. The panel will share examples that highlight the many data layers required for safe manned/unmanned integration: geo-awareness, registration, flight planning, notification and approval and how these applications may be a part of future U-space regulation. They will also showcase the diverse systems and services across the drone industry and how to leverage that diversity to drive a more compliant, more safe, more integrated system; a system that can maintain both the flexibility and pace of innovation and increase the capacity of the airspace.

March 11
10.45-11.45 Wing

Title: UTM & ATM: Integrate Now or Integrate Later?

Henrik Holelei, DG MOVE, European Commission
Mildred Troegeler,
Boeing NeXt
Jay Merkle,
UAS Integration Office, FAA
Antoine Martin,
DGAC France
Reinaldo Negron,
Wing Aviation


Abstract: At the foundation, both manned aviation and the unmanned industry believe that a cooperative approach is required to safely integrate unmanned technology into the airspace. However, there remains a lack of consensus on how, or if, ANSPs and UAS service providers integrate to ensure that safety standards are upheld. The different requirements of ATM and UTM may be best incorporated through a model that enables operations in parallel while exchanging information. This model has been seen in practice by the FAA, facilitated by NASA, and a similar structure is also being incorporated by several European air navigation services in a  ‘U-space together’ implementation. This panel will bring together the different perspectives of the various  stakeholders including ANSP, regulator and UTM provider to address technical concerns on various approaches to UTM,  highlight the ways in which UTM providers and ANSPs are collaborating under a federated model, and prompt discussion and audience participation around how we will work together to create harmonization across the airspace.

13.15-13.35 DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH

Title: Functions and Workflows in the German UTM System

Ralf Heidger


Abstract: The German UTM system by DFS combines a variety of sensing technologies, multi-sensor data fusion and a workflow engine for UTM mission planning and execution to an internet-based work environment for drone flights. This environment is used by operators, pilots and various authorities, which are the key stakeholders in UTM. It includes web portals for registration for operators, and web portals for authorities in the workflow of flight permissions and monitoring of operations. Mobile apps support the UAS pilot in the field. The presentation provides an overview of the various functional sets, its interrelations and workflows. Additionally, an outlook will be given how to integrate UTM with ATM.

15.15-15.50 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)


Title: FAA’s Future Vision Challenges and Principles to Consider / Leadership of Thought

Jay Merkle, UAS Integration Office, FAA
Joachim Luecking,
DG MOVE, European Commission
Reinaldo Negron,


Abstract: Panel discussion will be about mindset shifts on UTM, what’s needed in international harmonization efforts, and how industry collaboration is supporting faster integration.
– Integrating Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM), ATM, ETM and Civil Commercial Space in the National Airspace System; developing the suite of capabilities for the UTM
– Dismantling roadblocks to harmonization, especially for UTM
– Understanding the uniqueness of UTM – versus ATM – in pushing regulators to work with industry differently
– Leveraging industry innovation to scale up to UAM

16.45-18.00 AirMap

Title: Registries, Remote ID, and the Right to Privacy: A Discussion of Best Practices

Richard Deakin, AirMap
Andreas Lamprecht, AirMap
Antoine Martin,
Matthew Satterley, Wing
David Jones, Raytheon


Abstract: Drone operators in the E.U. and U.S. will soon be required to share identifying information: the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is requiring all E.U. Member States to have national drone registration systems in place by June 2020, and the FAA recently released its draft Remote ID rule allowing authorities to identify nearly all drones operating in U.S. low-altitude airspace. Remote ID and national registration systems are essential to airspace safety and security. They allow drone operators, government authorities, law enforcement, and the general public to know which drones are flying where. Remote ID provides necessary visibility and fosters a collaborative ecosystem for complex, autonomous, and enterprise drone operations, but it also raises questions about privacy and identity and access management. How do airspace authorities put Remote ID and national registries into place, ensure that the systems are properly connected, and strike the right balance between privacy and security?

March 12
10.30-11.30 Airbus UTM

Title: UTM’s Role in Achieving an Integrated Air Traffic Management System

Isabel Del Pozo De Poza


Abstract: With the introduction of new aircraft, flying new operations, we can no longer solely rely on human-centered air traffic management and legacy technology with limited automation. Additionally, today there is very limited air traffic control support in Class E or G airspace, as well as limited ATS capabilities especially below certain altitudes (circa 1000ft) where smaller vehicles operate. Thus developing a more modern, scalable digital traffic management infrastructure that integrates with our global airspace, and existing solutions, is a matter of necessity.

In this panel session, senior industry executives will discuss the role Unmanned Traffic Management (UTM) must play to support the evolution of today’s ATM system to ensure the development of a long-term and scalable integrated air traffic management system.

The panel will focus on these 3 aspects of ATM & UTM convergence:
1. Creation of a global airspace operational concept and standards: The airspace of tomorrow can only deliver on its promise through collaboration between regulators, manufacturers, service providers, and consumers, all working together with a common understanding. We understand that in order to build the safest and most robust systems possible, a single global airspace operational concept, with associated standards needs to be defined and adopted.
2. An integrated air traffic management system: New air traffic management concepts for all airspace users that facilitate the safe integration of new vehicles and technology are needed. Industry has a responsibility to look at UTM for not just low-level altitude operations (drones) but as a holistic, integrated airspace. We must build this system with today and tomorrow’s users in mind.
3. How will this work? Industry needs to support new airspace users and work with the relevant authorities to help progress UTM performance-based standards for safety, technology and security.


Tower Theatre
March 10
11.50-12.10 Airbus UTM

Title: UTM and the Challenge of Fair Airspace Access

Tony Evans


Abstract: Now that UAS traffic numbers are increasing and complex operations are becoming a reality, we have a unique opportunity to refine UTM architectures to ensure that our system designs, implementations, and operating rules remain fair for all users, rather than benefiting first-movers and the largest operators or UTM Service Suppliers (USSs). How can we ensure that UTM systems are being developed to ensure that the skies are open to everyone?

Fairness is something that needs to be built into the system, for important reasons. Unlike regular air traffic management systems, which are managed by a central authority, a decentralized UTM architecture means that many individual participants and stakeholders are involved. Most industry participants are outwardly collaborative and purport to be “good actors.” But history shows us that, faced with the competitive pressure of open markets, participants will seek ways to gain an advantage, in some cases unfairly. This can have severe consequences for the ultimate goal of providing access to our airspace and enabling a wide variety of future missions.

In this session, we’ll highlight the outcomes of extensive Airbus research into fairness in UTM systems, and progress in collaborative standards work that can help industry and regulators alike measure and evaluate the fairness of our new systems.

13.50-14.10 Aveillant

Title: Holographic Radar as a Key Element of Drone Protection at Airports

Dr. Dominic Walker


Abstract: Aveillant has developed unique Holographic Radar technology which is proving particularly well suited to drone detection at airports. The benefits of Holographic radar include persistent 3D surveillance of the volume of interest, long range detection of small targets, and the ability to differentiate small drones from other targets in the airspace such as birds. Hear about what makes Holographic Radar ideal for the airport environment and about some of the latest airport installations

15.20-15.40 SkyGrid

Title: The Keys to Unlock Urban Air Mobility

Speaker: Ali Husain


Abstract: Today, people and goods are traveling faster and farther than ever before. The challenge is our roads are congested and our infrastructure is aging. There’s a growing need for new, sustainable modes of transportation to enable a future with shorter commute times and lower carbon emissions. But how do we achieve this future? The answer is urban air mobility, which includes everything from small package delivery drones to passenger air taxis operating above populated areas. We’ll explore why next-gen technologies like AI and blockchain are required to safely integrate drones in the global airspace and manage unmanned air traffic at scale.

March 11
10.50-11.10 ERA as

Title: Concept of Homebriefing System and UTM Integration

Pavol Serbín

14.20-15.20 NASA

Title: Vision for Future Airspace Operations

Parimal Kopardekar, NASA
Steve Bradford, FAA
Olga de Frutos Martin, ICAO
Tom Prevot, Uber
Akbar Sultan, NASA


Abstract: A perfect storm is brewing with anticipated growth and diversity and increasingly automated vehicles maturing and entering the national airspace. Access and scalability needs will only continue to increase in the future.   Given that systems and procedures take a considerable amount of time to build and harmonize across the globe, it is appropriate that research efforts to enable future operations begin now. How do we reevaluate the current system based on technology trends, and what research do we prioritize now to be ready for twenty years and beyond?


Aviation for Europe Theatre
March 10
16.00-16.30 European Commission and European Aviation Safety Agency

U-Space: driving innovative and sustainable aviation
Keynote by
Patrick Ky, Executive Director, EASA

Panel discussion with
Isabel del Pozo de Poza, Head UTM, Airbus
Eduardo García González, Manager European ATM Coordination and Safety, CANSO
Joachim Luecking, Head of Unit Aviation Safety, DG MOVE, European Commission

Moderated by Filip Cornelis, Director Aviation, European Commission

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