Skyfire and AeroVigilance announce partnership to offer counter drone consultancy

Consulting and training organisations Skyfire Consulting and AeroVigilance have partnered to help people and organizations understand the risks posed by uncrewed aircraft, and find solutions to enhance airspace awareness and security measures. The newly formed partnership combines decades pf real-world experience in both offensive and defensive drone missions to help proactively defend against threats.

According to the press release, the partnership reconnects Mike Rogers, Vice President of Public Safety for Skyfire with founders of AeroVigilance, Casey Flanagan and Tom Adams. The trio previously worked together at the FBI. This partnership aims to provide clients with a suite of solutions that includes training from industry experts, customized technology solutions, mentor support, policies, and procedures.

AeroVigilance recently launched C-UAS Hub, an online information resource for Counter-UAS and airspace awareness. The site features news, original articles, vendors, products, services, jobs, events, and a robust multimedia resource library.

AeroVigilance and Skyfire have announced a webinar on Counter-UAS offensive, and defensive solutions taking place on 1 February 2023.

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