Citadel Defense launches Titan C-UAS “to detect, analyse and deploy precise counter-measures”

After over six months of extensive government and military testing, Citadel Defense Company is announcing the official launch of its counter drone solution Titan. According to a company press release:

“Citadel Defense’s counter drone solution, Titan, is available for military, government, and commercial customer purchase…Designed and developed alongside U.S. warfighters and security experts, the Titan provides the user real-time information, identifying and classifying an approaching unmanned aerial vehicle or swarm, and selectively applying precise countermeasures to induce the UAV to land or return to its home base.  Citadel Defense uses machine learning, artificial intelligence, and software defined hardware technology to rapidly address new threats – making sure the effectiveness of protecting people and assets is always ahead of the ever-evolving threat.”

Christopher Williams, CEO of Citadel Defense, said: “The system’s ease of use coupled with the fact that it can operate in environments where communications are critical, like major cities, airports, or aboard large ships, provide users with a flexible solution for many missions.  Citadel’s escalating countermeasure approach is a unique advantage for customers because it can effectively detect, identify, and defeat drones with limited collateral affects to other important signals like WiFi and Bluetooth communications.”

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