Aloft provides complimentary Geo access to first responders to enhance safety

Drone fleet and airspace management company Aloft Technologies has announced a partnership with Droneresponders, the programme representing aerial first responders, emergency managers, and search and rescue specialists, to allow access to the company’s Aloft Geo airspace platform that support operators of small, uncrewed aircraft systems (sUAS).

The collaboration sees Aloft providing complimentary access to Aloft Geo to all public safety agencies nationwide, allowing them to publish safety data directly to the Aloft platform, including B4UFLY. This integration means that in real-time, first responders and public safety officials will gain direct access to enhance safety, compliance, and shared situational awareness across their jurisdictions.

Droneresponders is a non-profit program created to unite aerial first responders, emergency managers, and search and rescue specialists under a unified organization to help learn, train, and test with one another with the ultimate objective of maximizing drone operations for public safety.

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