AirShare joins New Zealand airspace integration trials programme

Uncrewed Traffic Management (UTM) company AirShare is the latest industry partner to join New Zealand’s Airspace Integration Trials Programme (AITP).

The AITP is a collaboration between the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), the Ministry of Transport (MOT), the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Airways New Zealand, dedicated to supporting the safe testing, development and market validation of advanced uncrewed aircraft in New Zealand.

According to the AirShare press release:

As part of the programme, AirShare, owned by Airways International, will work with MBIE and other AITP partners to trial its Uncrewed Traffic Management (UTM) system for managing uncrewed aircraft airspace access.  Trials will involve using the AirShare UTM to provide airspace management services; sharing of AirShare data with other systems in support of autonomous drone operations; and integrating with UA operators’ systems to demonstrate capabilities such as electronic flight plan submission and authorisation.

AirShare and other AITP partners will also collaborate to establish research and development facilities which will provide sustainable economic uncrewed traffic information opportunities through effective lower airspace management and safe integration of drones.

Airways International CEO Sharon Cooke says AirShare’s participation in the AITP supports its goal to be part of an ecosystem of connected systems to enable a safer and more efficient airspace for all participants.

“We’re looking forward to working with New Zealand industry partners to accelerate the integration of advanced uncrewed aircraft into our airspace, by demonstrating the capabilities of our UTM system and sharing data to support UA operations,” says Sharon Cooke.  “New Zealand is a great place to develop and trial airspace initiatives, which creates an exciting environment for AITP partners like AirShare to trial and advance our capabilities.”

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