UK CAA publishes detect & avoid guidance for non-segregated BVLOS drone flights

The UK Civil Aviation Authority has published CAP1861A: Detect & Avoid for Non-Segregated BVLOS, as an annex to the previous document on the fundamentals of BVLOS (CAP1861).

According to the CAA Innovation Hub, the new CAP builds on the fundamentals of BVLOS laid out in CAP1861 to focus specifically on the functional requirements of a Detect & Avoid (DAA) solution. It introduces the ‘DAA Ecosystem’ in more detail and then goes on to present the DAA evidence framework. This framework was created for the CAA’s BVLOS sandbox projects in order to help understand and describe how a proposed DAA solution tackles the necessary requirements, and how the Innovator intends to conduct testing against each one. This can be used by anyone looking to understand what is expected from the development and testing of a DAA solution.

This document was produced as part of the CAA’s BVLOS programme and reflects the specific focus of the BVLOS Sandbox on tackling the challenges of operating in non-segregated airspace using DAA. It should be noted that operating BVLOS comes with a vast array of other challenges that also need to be overcome. Therefore, the purpose of this new CAP is to support the policy and guidance set out in CAP722, which should always be the primary reference for UAS operations, notes the CAA.

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