SESAR 3 JU publishes second open call for Digital European Sky research projects

The SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking (SESAR 3 JU) has published the second open call addressing exploratory research within the framework of its Digital European Sky research and innovation programme.

According to the agency:

“The call covers a wide range of topics aimed at generating innovative concepts, methodologies and technologies to support the delivery of a Digital European Sky. The selected projects will be funded within the framework of the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (Total budget: EUR 25 million).

“The exploratory research call (HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER-02) aims at fostering new and innovative ideas connected to EU policy to transform air traffic management in Europe, as well as encouraging coordinated exchange of knowledge and stimulating the future ATM skilled workforce. It is composed of two work areas, namely “ATM excellence science research and outreach” and “ATM application-oriented research”.

“The call topics are part of the research and innovation priorities outlined in the SESAR 3 JU’s multi-annual work programme and in the more recently published bi-annual work programme. They cover a wide range of areas that are needed in order to deliver the Digital European Sky, according to the timeframe of the European ATM Master Plan.

An online information day will take place on 7 July to present the call in more detail and provide hints and tips on how to apply. Download the agenda.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 15 November 2023.

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