US military seeks technologies to reduce collateral damage in C-UAS intercepts

The US Joint C-sUAS Office (JCO) intends to conduct a series of semi-annual JCO events, with the first demonstration event focused on Low Collateral Interceptors. The JCO is seeking whitepapers to identify sources with the ability to provide Low Collateral Interceptor capabilities for a hardware demonstration at Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) in April 2021.

The Low Collateral Effects Interceptor demonstration event is intended to find solutions to defeat small UASs in an environment that requires minimal collateral damage to the surrounding environment or personnel.  Specific, but not limited, uses would include defeating small UAS in urban environments, over sensitive sites, or situations where the rules of engagement would not allow kinetic effects.

The Government will endeavor to complete the Phase 1 whitepaper evaluations within 10 calendar days of the closing of the submittal period and provide notification to companies.

Upon evaluation of a whitepaper, the Government may invite a company into Phase 2 (Oral Presentation). In Phase 2, up to 10 companies will be invited to present and further discuss their proposed concept, technology and solution. During Phase 2, the Government may request and/or provide additional information to the Company.

Following the oral presentations (phase 2), up to five companies will be invited to provide a demonstration of their selected product focusing on Low Collateral Effects Interceptors.  Range personnel will operate the target and test environment while companies will operate their own equipment.

Tender number: JCO-Demonstration1

Deadline: January 22, 2021

Responsible authority: US Department of Defense, US Army Acquisition Support Center


(Image: Shutterstock)

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