US Army seeks industry/academic partner to help assess soldier and base protection technologies

The US Army’s ACC-APG, RTP Division, on behalf of the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Data and Analysis Center (DAC) “is exploring the possibility of entering into a Partnership Intermediary Agreement (PIA)….with a Partnership Intermediary to provide services for CCDC DAC to increase the likelihood of success in the conduct of cooperative or joint activities of CCDC DAC with small business firms, institutions of higher education as defined in 20 USC 1141(a)[1], or educational institutions as defined in 10 USC 2194.”

According to the request for information text posted on the US government website:

“With a rapidly changing world comes an operating environment that is more contested, more lethal, and more complex. Peer adversaries are challenging the ability of the U.S. and our allies to deter aggressive actions. To address these challenges, the concept of multi domain battle is to drive change and design for the U.S. Army to effectively operate and succeed against peer adversaries to maintain U.S. interest, deter conflict, and when necessary prevail in war. The CCDC DAC is conducting applied research and analysis to meet  challenges in the Maneuver Support and Protection functions necessary in Multi Domain Operations and seeks a Partnership Intermediary to identify and organize external partners from industry and academia that support and extend such research and analysis. CCDC DAC supports the Maneuver Support Center’s responsibility to develop new materiel requirements based on the needs of the Soldier and provide research and analysis solutions to defeat operational deficiencies.

“The Partnership Intermediary is expected to enhance partnering, between the CCDC DAC, academia, industry, other government agencies and entrepreneurs by identifying and facilitating the development of new applied R&D and analysis partnerships along with stimulating early-stage partnership.  The Partnership Intermediary is expected to be well versed in Maneuver Support and Protection applied research and analysis objectives for Multi Domain Operations.  Objectives would be consistent with desired capabilities as currently identified and overtime be updated by DAC and the Maneuver Support Center in the fields including:

  • Protect Soldiers and facilities
  • Investigate fundamentals of assured mobility at every echelon
  • Provide an improved ability to enable freedom of action by Army forces
  • Develop Force Protection
  • Increase Security efficacy
  • Devise Counter Observation
  • Improve Survivability
  • Conduct Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Reconnaissance & Surveillance/Integrated Early Warning
  • Conduct CBRN Contamination Mitigation
  • Shape the battlefield, protect the force, and preserve combat power while maintaining secure environment to provide freedom of action

Reference code: W911NF20RFI0004

Deadline date: 22 May 2020

Responsible authority: Department of the Army, US Army Contracting Command – Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG), Research Triangle Park (RTP) Division, Durham, NC

For more information

(Image: US Army)

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