US Army seeks C-UAS industry whitepapers to support Technology Gateway event

Army Futures Command (AFC) is looking to expand the Army’s ability to experiment, evolve, and deliver technologies in real time to address both urgent and emerging threats and expedite critical capabilities to the field to meet Combatant Commanders’ needs. In partnership with RCCTO, AFC DEVCOM is hosting its next Technology Gateway experimentation event anticipated to begin in October 2023 and requesting whitepapers from interested participants. Deadline for submission is March 31, 2023

One of the key areas of interest for the AFC is  “State-of-the-art Means to Defeat Targeting and Delivery Capabilities of Precision Munitions (Including Loitering Munitions & UAS)”

According to the announcement:

“Technology Gateway is a collaborative experiment between industry partners and the Army, intended to enable collective innovation and identify novel technology capabilities that will help the Army achieve its modernization goals. It provides Industry, a structured opportunity to demonstrate their technologies to Government representatives in a controlled and operationally relevant environment. It is part of Army Futures Command’s Project Convergence campaign of learning, which is designed to aggressively advance and integrate the Army’s contributions to the Joint and Multi-national Force for convergence effects across all domains (air, land, sea, space, and cyberspace) to overmatch U.S. adversaries. Technology Gateway includes a series of experiments and observations in simulated battlefield environments. Hosted by Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM), Technology Gateway activities will set the conditions for collective innovation and further experimentation in both basic research and applied science and technology with industry partners.

“Whitepapers for participation in Technology Gateway 2023 can be submitted through a single-entry point… in response to Army priorities as outlined in this call. Submissions will undergo a 2-step evaluation process. Step 1 (Technical Merit Reviews): Subject matter experts from across AFC will provide Technical Merit Reviews (TMRs) based on the evaluation criteria as detailed below. Step 2 (Operational Merit Reviews): Following a down-select based on TMR evaluation results, select whitepapers will be invited to participate in virtual Technical Exchange Meetings (TEMs) with the Government team to discuss operational requirements and experiment alignment. Qualifying companies will be invited to participate in Technology Gateway 2023 based on the final Operational Merit Review.”

DEVCOM is soliciting organizations with new and innovative technology in the below challenge areas, as aligned with Army Modernization Priorities. Areas of specific interest for Technology Gateway 2023 include Network and Joint Contested Logistics.

  • Innovative Means for Reconnoitering and Securing Far Side of Wet Gap Crossing
  • Emerging Capabilities to Autonomously Deliver Large Quantities of Supplies at Scale (1000s of Gallons of Fuel Simultaneously)
  • Management of Autonomous Systems to Provide Effective and Efficient Capabilities at Scale (100s of Autonomous Capabilities Simultaneously)
  • Advanced Means to Control Erosion and Prevent Degradation of Near and Far Side Terrain
  • State-of-the-art Means to Defeat Targeting and Delivery Capabilities of Precision Munitions (Including Loitering Munitions & UAS)
  • Innovative Ways to Conduct Multi-Domain Obscuration and Maneuver in an “Unblinking” Environment
  • Emerging Means to Protect Forces from Threat Electro-Magnetic Warfare Capabilities

For more information

(Image:US Army)

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