US Army tests Raytheon’s Coyote Block 3 non-kinetic counter drone device, defeats swarm of drones

Raytheon Missiles & Defense reports successful defeat of a swarm of drones with its reusable Coyote Block 3 non-kinetic effector during a US Army test. The demonstration moves the variant closer to deployment.

Derived from the expendable Coyote loitering munition, the Block 3 utilizes a non-kinetic warhead to neutralize enemy drones, reducing potential collateral damage. Unlike its expendable counterpart, the non-kinetic variant can be recovered, refurbished and reused without leaving the battlefield.

During the test, the Coyote engaged and defeated a swarm of 10 drones that differed in size, complexity, manoeuvrability and range. It achieved several significant firsts:
•    Air-to-air non-kinetic defeats;
•    Survivability, recovery, refurbishment and reuse during the same test event;
•    Successful launch from the Coyote Block 2 system;
•    Extended range engagements, communication and KuRFS radar track.

“This test demonstrates the effectiveness of Coyote to counter complex, unmanned aircraft systems,” said Tom Laliberty, vice president of Land Warfare & Air Defense at Raytheon Missiles & Defense. “As a non-kinetic variant, we’re offering an effective weapon against the threat and value to the Army in the form of an affordable, reusable asset.”

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