The US Department of Defense selects BlueHalo’s Titan counter drone system for an undisclosed customer

The US Department of Defense has selected BlueHalo and its Titan Counter-Unmanned Aerial System (C-UAS) team as a Program of Record for an undisclosed customer. The DoD customer has selected Titan as the preferred radio frequency (RF) sensor for both standalone and integrated layered-defense solutions. The systems will be utilized for pre-deployment training, on-the-move security, and fixed-site force protection.

According to the company press release, Titan is a portable, rapidly deployable system that creates a secure perimeter anywhere, providing identification and automated mitigation of threats across all major commercial and hobbyist control protocols and frequency bands. Utilizing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Titan can detect and respond to individual or swarmed threats using adaptive, escalating countermeasures that minimize collateral impact to nearby communications. The system can be fully deployed in under two minutes, and does not require signals expertise, extensive training, or significant operator cognitive load.

“BlueHalo is honored to be trusted by the US DoD to provide game-changing security solutions like Titan,” said Katie Selbe, BlueHalo’s Chief Operating Officer (COO). “We are proud to put these systems in the field as a layer of defense to protect our nation’s warfighters and most critical assets.”

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