Russia’s CCBR “can target FPV drone crews based on anti-sniper training” – TASS

Russia’s new agency TASS reports that the Center for Integrated Unmanned Solutions (CCBR) “has created a method for detecting enemy FPV drone crews based on the principles of anti-sniper combat. This was announced to TASS by the director general of the center Dmitry Kuzyakin.”

“The Central Design Bureau is intensively working on systems to counter FPV drones. To date, a number of measures to reduce threats have already been developed and are being applied. We analyzed similar experience in anti-sniper combat and created a methodology for countering enemy FPV crews based on similar principles,” Kuzyakin said.

“We are talking about detecting the enemy’s FPV combat crew. That is, we do not fight drones, but teach us how to search for and neutralize enemy pilots. At the same time, this fight is also carried out by FPV drones and pilots only from our side,” said the general director of the center. “That’s why we studied anti-sniper combat,” he added.

According to the Director General of the Central Design Bureau, today in the world there is no effective means of electronic warfare against FPV systems, which would be guaranteed to work in any situation, reported TAA.

“This gives an advantage to those who use these systems, and forces those who defend themselves to look for countermeasures. The skew in this confrontation is created by the open architecture of FPV systems – open software and unlimited availability of parts allow anyone to experiment with what we use, like us, so is the enemy,” Kuzyakin added.

“Unlimited access to FPV technologies creates a precedent comparable to the free sale of weapons. So far, the threat is contained by the difficulty in learning how to assemble and pilot this equipment, but sooner or later we will have to regulate not just the issue of UAVs, but primarily FPV drones” , -he said.

Earlier, Kuzyakin told TASS that since 2022, the Central Design Bureau has trained 100 specialists as part of the training of pilots and instructor pilots for FPV drones. It was also reported that the center put 100 combat FPV drones in the special operation zone, designed to drop mines and destroy heavy equipment.

The Central Design Bureau is based in Zhukovsky. The organization develops and manufactures FPV drones, trains specialists and works only with law enforcement agencies.

Source: Linkedin post by Samuel Bendett, Researcher at the Center for Naval Analyses

For more information

(Image: Shutterstock. Military reconnaissance airborne vehicle VOLAT produced in Belarus for the army. Humvee-type armored jeep for drone detection and elimination)

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