Russia introduces layered counter drone device

Russian arms manufacturer Rostec is marketing a multifaceted counter-unmanned aerial system (C-UAS) capability through its subsidiary Rosoboronexport according to a report in Jane’s international Defence Review. The equipment combines electronic and kinetic technology capable of engaging with all types of unmanned vehicles including military devices and commercial off-the-shelf models. The device features a frequency jamming capability developed by JSC Defense Systems which can jam and control communications channels within 200-6000 MHz frequency band within 30 km. It is also fitted with active and passive UAV detection devices supplied by Avtomatika which can track small drones within 8km using camera technology, or up to 20km distant through the use of radar and electronics technology. It also features a Rubezh-Avtomatika and Kupol-PRO C-UAS system developed by Avtomatika which is designed to counter drone swarms by jamming an area up to 4 km and 2.7 km high. The equipment includes the Luch and Pishchal-PRO man-portable C-UAS designed to operate against small drones flying within 6 km.

(Image: Avtomatika ka band radar)

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