Rostec launches drone detection radar

Subsidiary of Russia’s Rostec State Corporation, Ruselectronic, has launched a new radar capable of detecting small Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). Operating in Ka bandwidth, the multi-channel radar is designed to detect small-sized drones at a distance up to 7.5 km. It comprises a small unit, equal to 325 x 240 x 230 mm mounted on a rotary device to provide visibility in all directions. The company is field-testing the first production units and is marketing the equipment to civilian and military customers.

The development comes in response to small-sized drones which pose a threat when carrying out surveillance, reconnaissance missions or carrying explosives or weapons, and detects individual drones or swarms. Rostec Executive Director Oleg Yevtushenko commented: “Traditional radar methods do not provide reliable detection of unmanned flying vehicles with a small reflective surface. The dangers that drones pose are becoming increasingly obvious.”

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