Rafael adds Sky Spotter sensor to its Drone Dome C-UAS network


Rafael is now offering its Drone Dome counter UAS system with the company’s Sky Spotter EO sensor. “This addition will enhance the counter UAS efficiency especially in congested areas,” a Rafael source told Unmanned Aerospace.

Rafael is using this advanced electro optical system to enhance the capability of the radar which is part of its Drone Dome system. According to Rafael, Sky Spotter is a passive Early Warning System with high  probability of detection and very low false alarm rate.

Sky Spotter uses highly sensitive MWIR, SWIR and VIS sensors, establishing a passive aerial defence sphere, ranging from 1 km radius up to tens of km and more, complementing the performance of legacy radars. Rafael says that advanced algorithms of automation, image processing and Artificial Intelligence (AI), enable multiple targets to be engaged, tracked and managed simultaneously.

The company source said that the EO sensor serves to positively identify a hostile drone and avoid false alarms. “The optical capability gives that experienced operator a better capability to intercept only real treats”

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