JEY-CUAS research programme members to demonstrate military C-UAS technologies in Sardinia

A system demonstration of European counter-unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) is to be held at the Poligono Interforze Salto di Quirra (PISQ) military range at Sardinia as part of the EUR15 million, two-year Joint European sYstem for Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems (JEY-CUAS) programme.

The programme, led by Leonardo, includes a large number of European Union based C-UAS providers and aims to advance technologies at system and sub-system level to develop a new generation C-UAS system based on a modular and flexible plug’n’play architecture to address the emerging challenge of micro and mini drones increasingly used for defence purposes.

“The solution will contribute to an improvement of the situational awareness and reaction engagement to overcome the growing resilience of UAS to first generation C-UAS systems to keep up with new LSS (Low, Small, Slow) aerial threats and reduce the minimum reaction time,” says a programme fact sheet.

At the Sardinia event, Nordic Radar Solutions will deploy its Ka-band radar that is designed to classify detected targets, enabling effector systems to engage the threat, and has the ability to discriminate UAS operating in a swarm, even when they are operating close together.

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