EU framework agreement for counter drone devices features Skywall net capture solution

OpenWorks’ Skywall net capture solution for drones has been selected in a framework agreement that gives participating European law enforcement authorities with equipment the ability to provide an initial operational capability and a range of training activities through EU ISF funding. The framework agreement also allows the Member States to purchase these systems in order to roll out the capacity on a larger scale.

The framework agreement is the result of a series of tests conducted at the end of 2019 as part of the Internal Security Fund – Police project SKYFALL, an EU-funded programme – followed by a formal evaluation. SkyWall Patrol was operated in a live urban environment during the tests and was then down selected in the evaluation. According to the OpenWorks press release, SkyWall Patrol provided a low collateral damage and physical defeat of the target drones.

SkyWall Patrol gives a mobile operator the ability to physically capture a drone in a net, used in conjunction with electronic countermeasures for a layered defence, or in environments where electronic attack cannot be deployed. The system can be networked through command and control systems to enhanced situational awareness and gives a tactical advantage to mission commanders.

James Cross, Director and founder of OpenWorks commented, “We are excited to announce that SkyWall Patrol will form an important part of the counter-drone response for more law enforcement authorities in Europe.  The evaluation was incredibly challenging and we learned a lot from being pushed harder than ever during day and night tests in an urban environment.  The whole OpenWorks team will be working hard to deliver the equipment quickly and looking forward to learning more from a new group of end users.”

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