AEC Skyline and ForcePro link to provide C-UAS equipment to Benelux

The CEOs of Dutch companies AEC Skyline and ForcePro, Stef Have and Theo Karafantis have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at developing counter unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) capabilities within the Benelux countries, according to an AEC press release.

AEC Skyline has been providing aerial services (close air support, electronic warfare, ISR) and critical data solutions (systems integration, IT networking) to the Netherlands and foreign armed forces, the defence industry and research institutes for many years.  ForcePro is active in the C-UAS domain, representing DroneShield.

“It is the firm belief of both CEOs that the two parties will strengthen each other when it comes to delivering and maintaining solutions that cover the entire C-UAS chain, from detection, identification and classification to interception,” said the press release.

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