FAA designates ‘No Drone Zone’ for Super Bowl

The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has announced that Caesars Superdome in New Orleans is a ‘No Drone Zone’ for Super Bowl LIX. Drones also are prohibited around the downtown area during the days leading up to the event. Drone operators who enter the restricted areas without permission could face drone confiscation, fines up to  USD 75,000 and potential criminal prosecution.

Drones will be restricted during the following times and days:

Game Day, Sunday, February 9 

  • Restrictions begin at 1:30 p.m. CST within 1.5 nautical miles of the stadium up to 2,000 feet in altitude.  
  • The restrictions expand between 4:30 until 10:30 p.m. CST to a 30-nautical-mile radius and up to 18,000 feet in altitude.  

Before Game Day, February 3-8 

  • Restrictions around Lafayette Square for 1.5 nautical miles up to an altitude of 2,000 feet.  
    • February 3 between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m. 
    • February 5 between 2 p.m. and 11 p.m. 
    • February 6 between noon and 11 p.m. 
    • February 7 between 2 p.m. and 11 p.m. 
    • February 8 between 9 a.m. and 11 p.m.  

In addition to the Super Bowl, the FAA states that flying drones in and around stadiums that seat 30,000 people or more is prohibited by law beginning one hour before and ending one hour after the scheduled time of any of the following events:

  • Major League Baseball Game
  • National Football League Game
  • NCAA Division One Football Game
  • NASCAR Sprint Cup, Indy Car, and Champ Series Race

To educate fans and local communities about restrictions, the FAA and the Stadium Managers Association (SMA) created the “It’s Game/Race Day: Leave Your Drone at Home” safety campaign.

For more information

FAA Super Bowl flight advisory

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