R-330KMK Zhitel / ”Resident”
Type of C-UAS
Electronic Counter Measures (ECM)

The electronic warfare (EW) unit of the Western Military District (ZVO) is now in place around the city of Kursk, equipped with R-330KMK Zhitel or “Resident” automated radio interference systems. These systems are understood to be able to detect and jam radio signals and interfere with UAV mission systems up to a radius of 30km.. According to Defence 24 (,electronic-warfare-russian-response-to-the-natos-advantage-analysis): ““Zhitel” (R-330Zh) system consists of two elements: a wheeled platform with an operator station for the reconnaissance system (0.1-2GHz frequency range) and a trailer with emitters and antennas of the active jamming system. According to the official information, the system’s purpose is to detect, track and jam the Inmarsat and Iridium satellite communications and GSM 1900 cellphones, and also to act against GSM navigation system utilizing the NAVSTAR satellites. “Zhitel” may be operated autonomously or it may, alternatively, be remotely controlled by the R-330KMK station. Its range has been defined as 15 kilometres in case of the ground-system jamming and 200 kilometres, with regards to the airborne platforms.

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