Skylock reveals benefits of combined detection and disruption in wearable C-UAS solution

Skylock has launched a wearable counter-UAS solution that combines an RF detector and a jammer to provide real-world advantages in the hands of individuals in the field.

Pragmatism and efficiency are key discriminators in selecting counter-drone solutions. Combining detection and disruption in a single package offers operators the capability to make a dual-purpose approach to an incident. Swift identification of unauthorised drone signals leads to threat realisation and a proactive response to mitigate said threat. Security personnel are thus able to stay one step ahead of the evolving situation without the need for multiple devices, thus retaining and expanding the initiative.

Two features of the system make for compelling arguments in its favour. Its light weight allows for swifter reaction times and longer fatigue-free endurance; and the ready availability of jamming capability helps prevent potential security breaches and unauthorised surveillance. The company is a strong proponent of practical, crystal-clear solutions for counter-UAS challenges: the wearable combined detector/jammer offers a concise, efficient approach to address the growing threat of drones and the constant need to ensure security.

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(Image: Skylock’s wearable C-UAS system provides detection and mitigation capabilities in a single lightweight package. Credit: Skylock Systems Ltd)

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